On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 11:19, Bruce Q. Simmons wrote:
> This question has most likely already been a topic of hot discussion but
> since I can not locate the answer, I will ask it again.
> I have a Dell Lattitude C640 with a Radeon 7500 graphics chip.  When I load


You didn't clearly specify, so I'll assume you have windoze installed
and you're running Linux inside the vmware machine.  In that case, use
that URL above.  Remember: when you're running Linux inside the vmware
engine, it's not actually accessing the machine's video card, it's
accessing a virtual device.


> Red Hat (8.0-9.0) under a VMWARE session, the video is all messed up.  It
> will only work in non-graphical mode.  I suspect that if I were to blow my
> HD away and load Linux that I would have the same issues.
> Does anybody have any pointers or direction that I can use to fix this
> problem?
> Thank,
> -Bruce Simmons


peace, love, UNIX(R)

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