On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 04:35:19PM -0400, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Chris Spiegel wrote:
> >   Over time my X server keeps growing in memory usage.  I'm aware that
> > 
> > I used restest, which reports the following client that looks like the
> > culprit:
> > Client 8 (base = 0x1200000, mask = 0x1fffff): 10 resource types
> >    WINDOW: 45
> >    PIXMAP: 22002  (133706080 bytes)
>    It's not one pixmap.  It's 22002 pixmaps totalling 133 MBytes, all
> owned by client 8.  That client's base is 0x1200000.  You can usually
> find which client it is by looking at the window ids.  Run xwininfo
> on various windows.  The ones that have a Window id that starts with
> 0x1200000 will be owned by the same client.
>    It looks like that client is creating but never freeing pixmaps.
>                       Mark.

It turned out to be the window manager, and it indeed was creating and
not freeing pixmaps.  I found where in the source it was leaking, added
the necessary frees, and voilą, absolutely no leakage anymore.  Thanks
so much for the tips.

For those who are wondering, it's the kbox client of kwin; I've notified
the author, so hopefully a new release will soon be available with a

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