On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Chris Hubick wrote:

> On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:18, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
> >   The "nv" driver is unlikely to get the DVI working unless
> > the GeForce card was the primary, that is, the one that the
> > text mode came up on.  The Option CrtcNumber is not valid
> > for the GeForce2 GTS.  It only applies to dual-head cards.
> > If you can switch which is the text mode from your motherboard
> > bios, the GeForce may work (I assume it's not the primary which
> > is why it's not working).
> Ahh, but as I understand it, this is the same limitation which applies
> to the mga driver for my Matrox g450 card.  IIRC I had to make the g450
> primary for it's DVI to work.
> This means both my cards need to be primary for their DVI to work :(

  I can understand how this could be a common limitation. 

> Does this apply to all cards using the nv driver, or just the 2GTS?

  The "nv" driver has this limitation for all cards it supports.


> Is there a similar limitation with all the Radeon driver/cards?
> Again, much thanks!
> -- 
> Chris Hubick
> http://www.hubick.com/
> > On Tue, 28 Oct 2003, Chris Hubick wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi :)
> > > 
> > > I currently have 2 DVI LCD's, and run Xinerama on them using two cards,
> > > a Matrox G450 PCI over DVI, and a NVidia GeForce2-GTS AGP over VGA. 
> > > After much effort, I can't get the GF2's DVI working in this combination
> > > (under 4.3, even with "FlatPanel" "true" and "CrtcNumber" "1", etc).
> > > 
> > > Thus, I am looking to replace the GF2 or both cards, becuase I need DVI
> > > support for the second screen.
> > > 
> > > Requirements:
> > > 1) working DVI connector(s)
> > > 2) Free/Open Source XFree86 drivers (most robust support wanted)
> > > 3) 2D workstation use only, no 3D or gaming
> > > 4) 1600x1200 support is a big bonus
> > > 
> > > So, which cards currently in retail meet the above 4 requirements and
> > > are:
> > > a) Single DVI, AGP bus? (Radeon 9[2|6]00[pro|se])?
> > > b) Single DVI, PCI bus?
> > > c) Dual DVI, AGP bus?
> > > 
> > > Much Thanks!

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