On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Roman Banz wrote:

> I'm running Debian 3.0 on my laptop with KDE 3.1.4
> ATI Rage Mobility graphics chip with 8Mb of memory.

> Everything was fine until a few days ago when I downloaded the
>  lastest Xserver upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2.  At that point when I
>  re-started X-windows I found that I had several 1 m/m white strip from the
> top to the bottom of the screen.  I've tried
>  re-configuring X-windows and various other things.  Refuses to work
>  at all.  After re-configuring I've done 'XFree86 -xf86config
>  /root/XF86Config.new' The new XF86Config is in /root.  Still get the
>  same white strip at the bottom of the screen.

> and it still doesn't want to work properly.

> Anyone know how to sort this out ?  I've attached some info in the
> hope that someone can explain.

Try specifying a Virtual resolution of 1400x1050.  This would be an
insertion of a "Virtual 1400 1050" line in the appropriate Display
subsection of your XF86Config.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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