Hi all,

I would like to set up my own mame arcade cabinet, I saw that
lot of people use AdvanceMame that programs good frequencies
directly to the video card, but I don't want to use AdvanceMenu,
I want to code my own menu using SDL under X. But as I don't know
very much about this, I would like to know if it is possible to
write a modeline for X so it will use a 640x480 resolution using
a 25Khz horizontal frequency and a 60Hz Vertical frequency.
And if it's possible, do I need to get a special gfx card, or
is there a chance it will work on my old Nvidia Riva TNT 2 ?

Here are the specification of my monitor :

                        MEDIUM RESOLUTION

          HORIZONTAL                    VERTICAL
Scan Frequency: 25.00 KHz    Scan Frequency: 60.0 Hz
   Scan Period: 40.0 µSec       Scan Period: 16.7 mSec
  Active Video: 32.0 µSec      Active Video: 15.4 mSec
   Video Delay:  7.2 µSec       Video Delay:  1.2 mSec
    Sync Pulse:  4.0 µSec        Sync Pulse:  0.2 mSec
     Scan Line: 640 Pixels           Screen: 416 Lines
    Resolution: 512 Pixels       Resolution: 384 Lines
    Clock Freq: 16.00 MHz

Thanks in advance for your response, this list is my last hope
to get my cabinet working ! :))

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