Note: Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to this list.  Thanks.

I have a Logitech MX700 and am using XFree86 4.3.0,1 (built from ports)
on FreeBSD 5.1-R-p2.  I have the wheel and cruise buttons working, but
the forward, back, and quick switch buttons don't do anything.  There
are keyboard combinations that do exactly what I want those buttons to
do, so I figure I could map key-presses to those buttons, but haven't
been able to figure out how to do so.  The related configuration bits
are at the bottom of this email.

Xev shows me that the forward and back buttons, as configured, generate
button 5 and 4 evens, respectively, but the quick switch button doesn't
generate an event.  Why doesn't the quick switch button generate an

There are keyboard combinations do what I want the buttons to do.  There
are plenty of sources for instructions on how to map mouse-clicks to
keyboard keys but not the other way around.  How do I map a key-press to
a mouse button?

Here are the related configuration bits:

Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier    "MX700"
  Driver        "mouse"
  Option        "Protocol"      "auto"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/ums0"
  Option        "Emulate3Buttons"       "off"
  Option        "Buttons"       "10"
  Option        "ZAxisMapping"  "6 7"

Xmodmap pointer setting of "1 2 3 6 7 4 5 8 9 10".

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