On Saturday 31 January 2004 22:22, Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>    This is a perfectly respectable score for 32bpp.  It's actually
> exemplary if you're doing it in software.  That's about AGP 2x
> performance if you're doing it in hardware.

*nod*, but that doesn't explain the problems I've been experiencing (taking 
you back to the beginning of this thread):

On my SuSe 8.2 system (radeon 9000), performance of xmame.x11, full screen DGA 
is very good. If I switch to using a graphics enhancing function (in 
software), the performance is incredibly bad (never above 20 fps, nomatter 
which game). On my Morphix cd however, performance is still good when I 
enhance the graphics. I couldn't find any major differences between the 
config files, and the version of XFree86 is the same. I posted the scores 
(which you say are not too bad), because someone asked me for them (hoping 
they might show some insight into this problem).

Anyone have an idea as to why performance under SuSE is so bad when using 
software graphic enhancing functions while under Morphix it works fine?


Pieter Hulshoff

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