After starting kdrive Xfbdev with a ps/2 scroll mouse, I get a button press 
and button release event for button 3 the first time I move the mouse.  This 
is consistently repeatable, and I have seen it happen with X 4.3 and 4.4, 
compiled on two different toolchains, running on Linux 2.2 and 2.4, on two 
distinct PCs.  I haven't seen it happen with non-kdrive X.

Based on the mice I have on hand, it doesn't happen with usb mice, or any non 
scroll mouse.  It does happen with a Logitech ps/2 scroll mouse, a Microsoft 
optical wheel mouse, and a no-name ps/2 scroll mouse.  Also, the same 
Microsoft optical wheel mouse does not show this behaviour when used via USB 

Has anyone else seen this?

In case it helps, here's some output from xev.  (The button press and button 
release events are at the end. )

Outer window is 0x200001, inner window is 0x200002

PropertyNotify event, serial 7, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    atom 0x27 (WM_NAME), time 1459593254, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 8, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    atom 0x22 (WM_COMMAND), time 1459593254, state PropertyNewValue

PropertyNotify event, serial 9, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    atom 0x28 (WM_NORMAL_HINTS), time 1459593254, state PropertyNewValue

CreateNotify event, serial 10, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    parent 0x200001, window 0x200002, (10,10), width 50, height 50
border_width 4, override NO

MapNotify event, serial 11, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    event 0x200001, window 0x200002, override NO

MapNotify event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    event 0x200001, window 0x200001, override NO

VisibilityNotify event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    state VisibilityPartiallyObscured

Expose event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    (0,0), width 798, height 10, count 3

Expose event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    (0,10), width 10, height 58, count 2

Expose event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    (68,10), width 730, height 58, count 1

Expose event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    (0,68), width 798, height 530, count 0

EnterNotify event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459593284, (398,298), root:(400,300),
    mode NotifyNormal, detail NotifyAncestor, same_screen YES,
    focus YES, state 0

KeymapNotify event, serial 12, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
    keys:  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   

MotionNotify event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459604823, (386,310), root:(388,312),
    state 0x0, is_hint 0, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459604823, (386,310), root:(388,312),
    state 0x0, button 3, same_screen YES

MotionNotify event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459604840, (384,310), root:(386,312),
    state 0x400, is_hint 0, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459604840, (384,310), root:(386,312),
    state 0x400, button 3, same_screen YES

MotionNotify event, serial 15, synthetic NO, window 0x200001,
    root 0x33, subw 0x0, time 1459604852, (381,310), root:(383,312),
    state 0x0, is_hint 0, same_screen YES

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