I'm having similar problems with the prebuilt 4.4.0 and Fedora.
In my case, the kernel config options had the IPv6 stuff
set to load as a module. When I rebuilt the kernel to
force IPv6 to be included directly, the X problems disappeared.

I'm still trying to discover from this list how to compile
4.4.0 without IPv6 support. So far, so bad... :(


>I installed the 4.4.0 on a RH 9.0 server, and I did back up the /etc/X11 
>dir first.
>The X starts but the behaviour is strange. The user login screen shows up 
>and after login I get to choose from a session list (only choice is 
>"Default"). After this, some "console log for <server name>" shows up and 
>that's all. On one of the ttys I see an error message saying something about
>"could not open socket for inet 6"
>or something. 3 error messages all having to do with "inet 6".
>1) Looking a little on the xf86 webpage makes me think this has got to do 
>with ipv6. Correct?
>2) Do these messages have to do with xf86-4?
>3) What is the best way of changing back to the xf86 3.nnn server? Simply 
>deleting /etc/X11 and copying back the backup? I did that but now the X 
>server comes up with an eternally turning hourglass (Doesn't get to login 
>even). Do I have to reboot the machine to runlevel 3 or is it OK to just 
>"init 3" before moving between servers? I did try XFree86 --configure, but 
>I never get "past" login, and the error messages are as indicated above.
>hope someone's got the same problem sometime...,
>"Always mount a scratch monkey"
>- Arno Teigseth -  
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