I have been running 4.3 but had a problem I couldn't fix so I thought I'd just install 
the newer version and get on with life.  Wrong!

I followed the online INSTALL instructions (I read that a detailed doc on the 4.4 
release was not yet available but what was there looked detailed enough to go ahead, 
so I did).

Everything seemed to go normally enough but after going thru the "install" and then 
the "configuration" (with XFree86 -configure) I
rebooted, logged in as root, and was confronted with a screen having only a mysterious 
"table" with Clients/Session Log/Checkpoint/Shutdown
cells that is as far as I can get in starting X. I have no idea what this is for, why 
I am seeing it and what I need to do to get past it.

I've looked at all the docs on the X86 Home site and found no clues to its function or 

I'd appreciate any information anyone can give me about this "table"
or what I ought to do about it.  [BTW, I'm not on that machine as I write this, or 
does that go without saying?  :)]  

Karl L
Homepage: http://hakmiller.rootsweb.com
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