> I have problems on installing X windows Server by XFree86 on Debian Linux.

If you mean the XFree86 included with Debian "stable", then you should upgrade
your XFree86 .deb.

> The following are the major error messages.
> (WW)    The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" doesnt exist
>     Entry deleted from font path.
> (WW)    Cannot open APM

You can ignore these warnings.

> (--)        PCI:#(1:0:0) NVidia unknow chipset (Ox0253)rev162
> (--)        Assigning device setting without bus ID to primary devices.
> (EE)      No devices detected.
> There is a line started with (II) contains a list of Video Card model. My
> Video Card is Geforce4 Ti4200 and it is not included in the list. Is that
> means the XFree86 does not support Geforce4?

As Mark suggested the XFree86 included with Debian "stable" is too old to
include support for your card.

There are some unofficial Debain apt repositories such as backports.org that
include newer XFree86 .deb files for Debain stable.

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