If run xinit from mc's subshell it do not will work. The root of problem mc by default 
setup the TOSTOP flag on controling terminal and this flag block child's work(for 
example gnome-session started from .xinitrc). 
User for solve this problem may redirect output of child to anywhere.
But better way - unset flag TOSTOP from controling tty of xinit befor first fork() in 

example code in perl:

use POSIX;

#          #this code do allow tty to child process.                           
#          #on most system it is by default but on my - not.                   

           my $termios = POSIX::Termios->new;                                  
           my $c_lflag;                                                        
               $termios->getattr( 1 );                                         
               $c_lflag = $termios->getlflag;                                  
               $termios->setlflag( $c_lflag & ~(&POSIX::TOSTOP) );             
               $termios->setattr( 1, &POSIX::TCSANOW );                        
               $termios->getattr( 2 );                                         
               $c_lflag = $termios->getlflag;                                  
               $termios->setlflag( $c_lflag & ~(&POSIX::TOSTOP) );             
               $termios->setattr( 2, &POSIX::TCSANOW );                        

With best regards Vitaly Chernookiy.
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