Hi all,

I would like to ask if someone can help or point me to the correct subject
in the docu, how to assign one inputdev like one usb keyboard to one
screen and another usbkeyboard to another screen.

We have already tried starting two X servers on two different grafic
cards. It does not work, because only one screen was active at one time.

Also tried dual head cards (Matrox G550, GF5200, ATI 9600) with different
results in their dual head potentials - but with the same regarding the
inputdevices - they cannot be assigns only to one of the resulting

I would prefer to asign the inpudev in the Screen section of the
XF86config file rather than in the ServerLayout section. That means that I
dont have to start 2 Xservers.

What I try to do is to attach 2 Keyboards, 2 Mice, and 2 Screens to one
machine, and let 2 people work with it.

Is this possible ? Please tell me how!

best regards, niki

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