I hope this is the right place to ask - if not I apologize- would someone please point me in the right direction?
I'm running Fedora 1 on a 400MHz Pentium 2.  Runs great, no problem, except when using the KDE or GNOME desktop.  When receiving serial data ( /dev/ttyS0) 115200,8,n,1, I'm losing characters. Looks to me like the serial receive interrupt is getting 'stalled'.  This occurs at bauds as low as 19200 ( I dont recall if I tried lower than that) and gets must worse as I drag windows aroung the screen with the mouse. 
However, when I open a text console ( ctrl-alt-f1) and run minicom from there, I can successfully receive well over 150M of data with zero errors even at 115K baud.  Hardware handshaking is enabled and asserted.
Might I ask for feedback on this? Has anyone else seen this?  Any opinions on why this is occurring??

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