Has someone help you?

I am seen this problem before, if you install as user Y and you try to loging 
as user X you will get that error. Do init 5 and see what happens.


> Hi,
> I have used Linux for four days. Yesterday GUI server problem occured. After
> xauth : creating new /root/.Xauthority
>          using,
>          writing, /root/.Xauthority ...      /home/amigo/.Xauthor for 'amigo' 
> user
> message as follows appears (for super- and user );
> Fatal server error, can't read file /tem/.X0-lock
> xinit : connection refused (errno 111) : unable to connect to X server
> xinit : no such process (errno 3): server error.
> After that /user/X11R6/bin/startx : line 133 : /dev/null : permission denied 
> appears while logged in as a user.

This doesn't make sense. Anyone should be above to write the null device.

> I run Linux Amigo ( Slackware ) on i586, DOS primary partition.
> Please help me retriev GUI access.Thanks in advance.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Rgds, Mariusz
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