On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Tom Williams wrote:

Hi! Ok, I'm now running XFree86 4.5.0 RC2 woo-hoo! :)

I ran "XFree86 -configure" and it sniffed out my display gear and created a XF86Config.new file. I tried it out and find I like the manually tweaked settings in my XFree86 4.4.0 XF86Config file better (I run at a higher resolution than what XFree86 detected) than the 4.5.0 RC2 generated file.

Is it ok to keep using the 4.4.0 generated XF86Config file or should I start with what 4.5.0 RC2 generated and tweak that?

I can post my config files along with XFree86.0.log files, if necessary.

You should be just fine with 4.4's XF86Config. Please report any problem you encounter.


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