Hi all,

I have a problem showing unicode (2 bytes) characters with ttf-fonts by a

I set (e.g.) in my application the byte-string (in hex) "00 4f 00 4b", but I
see with tcpdump, that the byte-string (in hex) "00 4f b6 40" is sent
(PolyText16). So I see in my display only half of the characters and some
This problem only exists, when the application and xfree86 runs on the same
system, my testsystem (arm). When I start the application on another system
(i386), xfree86 runs on the testsystem (arm) and so I show the data on the
testsystem by setting the DISPLAY variable, the data is shown right.

When I configure bitmap-fonts (pcf) or Type1-fonts, there's also no problem.
But I have to use the ttf-fonts for showing thai-character.

There's the same version of the qt-lib (3.0.5), so I think, it's nothing
with it. But whats e.g. with encodings?
XFree86, libX11 6.2

Can anyone help me? What information do you need additionally?


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