On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Harrington, Todd wrote:

We are going to be running RedHat Enterprise v3 or v4 and want to be able to run two displays with different images on them. One will be a general purpose X Windowing system with keyboard and mouse and the display will be a Viewsonic LCD. The second display will run an X windowing system and will be used to display graphics to a monochrome black/green display.

Is this dual "independent" display feature part of XFree86 4.x? Or do I need a special graphics card? Can I use any graphics card to do this? Can I use a dual headed card to save some PCI slots.

This shouldn't be a problem except that you will probably need to run the second screen at depth 1. Few drivers support this, so you'll likely need to run the second card with the vga or vesa drivers.

You also won't be able to use Xinerama, but you probably already knew that.


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