2008-04-22 17:44 UTC-0800 Luis Krause Mantilla <lkrausem /*at*/ shaw 
/*dot*/ ca>
  * contrib/rdd_ads/adsmgmnt.c
    + Extended AdsMgGetUserNames() to return aucAuthUserName,
      aucOSUserLoginName and aucTSAddress from ADS_MGMT_USER_INFO
      structure.  Only available for ADS >= 8.

Is anyone else having trouble connecting to the CVS?

I constantly get:
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `Access denied' from cvs server
cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if 

Error, CVS operation failed

It takes way too many retries to get past this error.
Don't know if it's TortoiseCVS or Sourceforge.


Luis Krause Mantilla
lkrausem at shaw dot ca
luis_krause at hotmail dot com
"May the Source be with GNU"

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