Enrico Maria Giordano escreveu:
 > current
 > before
 > XHARBOUR\dir1
 > after
 > XHARBOUR\dir1



Is very strange, but in my tests the directory change. I am using 
Windows Vista.

I found this entry in Harbour changelog:

2008-07-25 15:24 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
  * harbour/contrib/xhb/Makefile
  * harbour/contrib/xhb/common.mak
  + harbour/contrib/xhb/dirrec.prg
    + added DirectoryRecurse() function. It's not exactly xHarbour
      compatible as I wanted at the beginning. But when I begin
      to carefully check what xHarbour exactly does then I dropped
      the strict compatibility due to problems with xHarbour
      implementation which have to be fixed. I left this note in the
      dirrec.prg header:
         This implementation uses different rules then xHarbour one.
         It does not change current drive or current directory so
         unlike the xHarbour version it's MT safe.
         It also returns relative paths which are more similar to
         DIRECTORY() function results so they can be easy used
         directly in other code, f.e. to create archive without
         absolute paths. Please note that user can easy convert
         relative paths to absolte ones by simple adding curdir()
         and/or cPath parameter passed to DirectoryRecurse() but
         reverted conversion may not be possible in some cases.
         The 3-rd xHarbour parameter <lCaseMach> is ignored because
         harbour uses platform native rules to check filename mask
         respecting SET FILECASE and SET DIRCASE settings.
         xHarbour does not add "D" to attribute list used for directory
         tree scanning so user always have to add it manually and later
         it ignores it so it's not possible to extract file list with
         directories entries. In Harbour it's fixed.

  * harbour/source/rtl/philes.c
    + added hb_osFileMask()

  * harbour/source/rtl/direct.c
    % minor optimization

Time to try a clean cvs and another OS.

Marcos Gambeta

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