
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 5:21 AM, Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes
<l...@xharbour.com.br> wrote:
> I also can not see your uploads. I suspect the same problem as with Luiz -
> the files probably uploaded to different project, like xbgtk

It seems the files are uploaded to directory of my SF user account,
and project admin can only add to release files which are in _his_
directory. Anyway, here are the files:

Ron, I can't update pack_src.bat, cmd.exe won't manage this task. Here
is a bash script I use to build both UNIX and DOS source packages.


# CVSROOT should be set!
export VERSION=1.2.1
export TAG=xharbour-1-2-1

rm -fr /tmp/tmpcvs
mkdir /tmp/tmpcvs
cd /tmp/tmpcvs

cvs -z3 checkout -P -r $TAG xharbour

mv xharbour xharbour-$VERSION
rm -fr xharbour-$VERSION/CVSROOT

# Determine binary sources
for F in `find xharbour-$VERSION -name Entries`; do
    DIR=`dirname \`dirname $F\``
    for G in `grep "/\-kb/" $F | sed "s/^\/\([^/]*\)\/.*$/\1/"`; do
        echo "$DIR/$G" >> binlist

rm -fr `find xharbour-$VERSION -name CVS`
mv xharbour-${VERSION}/contrib ./contrib
mv xharbour-${VERSION}/tests ./tests
tar czvf xharbour-${VERSION}.src.tar.gz xharbour-${VERSION}
zip -rlq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.zip xharbour-${VERSION} -...@binlist
zip -rq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.zip -@ < binlist
mv xharbour-${VERSION} xharbour-core-${VERSION}
mkdir xharbour-${VERSION}
mv contrib xharbour-${VERSION}/
tar czvf xharbour-${VERSION}.src.contrib.tar.gz xharbour-${VERSION}
zip -rlq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.contrib.zip xharbour-${VERSION} -...@binlist
zip -rq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.contrib.zip -@ < binlist
mv xharbour-${VERSION} xharbour-contrib-${VERSION}
mkdir xharbour-${VERSION}
mv tests xharbour-${VERSION}/
tar czvf xharbour-${VERSION}.src.tests.tar.gz xharbour-${VERSION}
zip -rlq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.tests.zip xharbour-${VERSION} -...@binlist
zip -rq xharbour-${VERSION}.src.tests.zip -@ < binlist
mv xharbour-${VERSION} xharbour-tests-${VERSION}

-- Ph.

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