* include\win32prn.ch
    + created a cutted header from win32prn.prg file to allow the use of printer
      constants by users.
  * source\rtl\win32prn.prg
    + added #include "win32prn.ch" statement.

  * source\rtl\tbrowse.prg
    * fixed to speed-up navigation on tbrowse with many columns, under frozen 

  * tests\xmltest\hbxml.ch
    + created new styles:
      HBXML_STYLE_NOINDENT   - no indent nodes. all nodes will be places on 
leftmost margin.
      HBXML_STYLE_NONEWLINE  - no indent nodes and no insert new line at end of 
                               (all nodes will be placed on an unique line).
  * tests\xmltest\hbxml.h
    + created new styles:

  * tests\xmltest\hbxml.c
    * fixed to indent nodes on MXML_STYLE_TAB and MXML_STYLE_THREESPACES.
    * updated to work with new styles MXML_STYLE_NOINDENT and 

  * tests\xmltest\txml.prg
    * TxmlNode() class:
      * enhanced New() method to verify if <aAttribute) argument is a hash.
      + created AttribCount() method to return the amount of attributes into 
      + created GetValues() method to return an array of all values into node.
      + created GetKeys() method to return an array of all keys into node.
      + created GetPair(nPos) method to return an array of key/value pair 
relative at
      nPos given.

    - removed TxmlIteratorScan() class. Merged on TxmlIterator class.
    - removed TXmlIteratorRegex() class Merged on TxmlIterator class.

    * TXmlIterator() class:
      + added lRegex data to set regular expression on find() method.
      + added FindNext() method to return the next node found after Find()
        method call, in accordance with search criteria (early next() method).
      + changed Next() method to return next node in tree.
      + changed MathCriteria() method to work with common string values or
        regular expressions used on both Find()/FindNext() methods.

      note: to find regular expressions you must set <lRegex> to true before
            call find() method.

    * TXmlDocument() class:
      + created <cHeader> data.
      + created FindNext() method. This method will find the next node that
        is found in FindFirst() method in accordance with search criteria.
        This method replace the early Next() method.
      + created XmlValid() method to test xml file before load it.
      + created CurNode access to return the current node on xml document.
      + created ErrorMsg access to return an error message description based
        on error code.
      * changed Next() method to returns the next node in tree. Not the next
        node found in Findfirst() method.
      * enhanced New() method to open a xml file by given name.
        note: The TxmlDocument() continue to accept nil, node object, file 
        header and now file name argument.

        TxmlDocument():New( NIL ) - to create a new empty xml document.
        TxmlDocument():New( oNode )
        TxmlDocument():New( nFileHandle, nStyle )
        TxmlDocument():New( "document.xml", nStyle )
        TxmlDocument():New( <?xml version="1.0"?>, nStyle )

        see xharbour\tests\newtxml sample files.

      * enhanced Write() method to writes directly to a file name or file 
        This method will writes the <cHeader> content or <?xml version="1.0"?> 
        the top of xml file.

  * tests\xmltest\xmliter.prg
  * tests\xmltest\xmltest.prg
    * added new tests updated for the Txml... classes.

  * utils\hbmake\hbmake.prg
    added "schannel.lib" to the Pelles C lib list.


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