Il 17/07/2014 22:07, Ron Pinkas ha scritto:

> Hi All,
> Apparently some recent changes to GZLib sources are not compatible with xCC, 
> and I now get the following errors:
> Creating library: \xhb\bin\xHBDll.LIB
> xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '__snprintf referenced from 
> (gzlib.obj)'.
> xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '__wopen referenced from 
> (gzlib.obj)'.
> xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '__lseeki64 referenced from 
> (gzlib.obj)'.
> xLINK: fatal error: 3 unresolved external(s).
> Anyone familiar with the changes, and how to resolve it?

Can it be related with this change?

2012-03-12 14:32 UTC+0100 Patrick Mast <>
   * source\rtl\zlib\gzlib.c
   * source\rtl\zlib\gzread.c
   * source\rtl\zlib\gzwrite.c
     ! Fixed compilation for MSVC and POCC


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