This is old, and was sent around to ancient -core stuff, but here it is
again for anyone who feels like trying. Try with the old binaries JStevens
used, and if it works, go ahead and try with new sources and compile

Good luck.

[ Joseph Mallett           <jmallett@[||]> ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ Proud {Free,Net}BSD User; (Obj)C(++) Programmer ] [ ]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 10:38:09 -0400
Subject: FW: Xmach + NetBSD install instructions part 2

Ok, here is the second re-hash.. I had to re-install becuase of signal 11
errors... the good part is here is an "exact" install...

Im updating all the base stuff with new versions.. just waiting for
compiles... The current GCC in this dist is 2.4.2 .. kinda old..



MSDOS boot disk (Free dos SHOULD work...
OpenBSD 2.8 boot disk
NetBSD 1.3.3 boot disk
NetBSD 1.1 files
Xmach latest (
Grub    ( (dd onto
a floppy!)
Blank MSDOS format floppy
Computer you don't care about...
Another computer to act as a FTP server...

1. Zap harddisk/remove all partitions:
        (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda works ok from linux)
        (fdisk 4 3 4.. or some combo like that..)
2. install msdos/freedos in a 10meg partition, and mark active.

3. Boot NetBSD 1.3.1 setup disk
        (Here are the steps that I use.. what I typed is in `()` 's
        -(a) Install NetBSD to hard disk
        -(b) Yes or No?
        -(enter) to continue.
        -(b) Continue with Install
        -(a) IDE
        -(b) yes or no?
        -(a) use only part of the disk
        -(b) Cylinders
        -(b) Edit Partition 1 (next free partition! Take note of end cyl of
dos partition)
        -(a) Kind
        -(a) NetBSD
        -(b) Start and size
        -26 (my dos partition ended on cylender 25)
        -1000000 (fills the disk, it will calculate the actual size)
        -(d) Partition OK
        -(x) Exit
        -(c) Custom
        -2000 Root partition size (it is in cylendars.. YMMV. I like hudge
        -32 Swap partition size (Lites/xMach uses a swapfile, so this is
        -(enter) (I use the remainder for the /usr filesystem)
        -(enter) (confirm /usr)
        -(b) Partitions are ok
        -(enter) Please enter a name for your NetBSD disk [mydisk] (default
is ok)
        -(b) yes or no?
At this point we are formating the filesystem!
        -(enter) to "unpack the distribution"
        -(b) Custom installation
        -(^Z) CONTROL-Z
ok since we are not installing this version of BSD our work here is done! on
to the next step!

4. Boot OpenBSD 2.8 floppy
        From the prior example here is what I did.  I am ftp'ing the files
        I am using the IP address for completeness I will add
a default route.
        if you cant figure out your NIC's name do a dmesg|more and look for
it.. consult the
        OpenBSD FAQ if you have trouble
        -(s) Shell...
        -(mount /dev/wd0a /mnt)
        -(mount /dev/wd0e /mnt/usr)
        -(mkdir /mnt/usr/install)
        -(ifconfig xl0 netmask
        -(route add default
        -(anonymouse)   Your ftp server may require a different ID!
        -([EMAIL PROTECTED])
        -(cd /<where your files are>)
        -(lcd /mnt/usr/install)
        -(mget *)
        -(cd /mnt)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/base11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/comp11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/etc11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/games11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/man11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/misc11.tar.gz)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/usr/install/text11.tar.gz)

The /etc/rc file needs fixing (at least for me!) do the following!
        -(cd /mnt/etc)
        -(anonymouse)   Your ftp server may require a different ID!
        -([EMAIL PROTECTED])
        -(put rc) Now you need to edit it on the other box.. I add the line
        near the top but do not add the quotes in here! Now with the file
saved we can retrieve it
        -(get rc)

        According to the Lites readme some devices need to be created.

        -(cd /mnt/dev )
        -(mknod time c 25 0)
        -(mknod timezone c 26 0)
        -(mknod iopl c 22 0)
        -(mknod kbd c 23 0)
        -(mknod mouse c 24 0)
        -(mv ttyv0 ttyv0.netbsd)
        -(ln -s console ttyv0)

5. Unpack xmach binary distrubution (we are still running OpenBSD)
        -(cd /mnt)
        -(tar -zxf /mnt/install/xmach*bin*) YMMV as far as the name....
xmach*bin* encompases mine.
        -(mv xmach/mach_servers .)
        -(cd mach_servers)
        -(ln -s /sbin/init mach_init)
        -(dd if=/dev/zero of=paging_file bs=1024k count=???) (??? = number
of megabytes)

        time to copy the boot files to the DOS partition with the empty
        -(cd /mnt)
        -(mount_ext2fs /dev/fd0a /mnt2)
        -(cp /mnt2/boot/grub/stage1 tmp)
        -(cp /mnt2/boot/grub/stage2 tmp)
        -(cp /mnt2/boot/grub/menu.lst tmp)
        -(umount /mnt2)

        Time to gzip the kernel and bootstrap

        -(cp xmach/lib/mach-boot/bootstrap tmp/boot)
        -(cp xmach/lib/mach-boot/kernel tmp/kernel)
        -(cd tmp)
        -(gzip kernel)
        -(gzip boot)

        Ok this should fit on a floppy!  Insert the blank DOS floppy.

        -(mount_msdos /dev/fd0a /mnt2)
        -(cp * /mnt2)
        -(umount /mnt2)
6. Boot back into MSDOS.
        Your disk should still boot dos. If not use your DOS boot disk.
copy grub files, kernel and bootstrap to dos partition
        -(mkdir boot)
        -(mkdir boot\grub)
        -(copy a:*.* boot\grub)
7. Boot grub and install grub on harddisk
        -see the grub disk for this... it is usally listed as an option
8. Edit grub menu for the xmach
        root = (hd0,0)
        kernel = /boot/grub/kernel.gz root=/dev/hd0a
        module = /boot/grub/boot.gz
reboot and enjoy!

you may have to hit CTRL+D a bunch of times to get to the login... if you
removoe the /bin/sh in /etc/rc
your startup may loop.... YMMV

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