IT worked(tm)!
I have an xMach system running right now. Unforunately my nic isn't
supported (yet) so I can't let you all pingflood it yet, but it IS there,
and it works for the most part. I (luckily) have a OpenBSD boot CD so I
can always reboot into that, and use it to copy files and such, since it
DOES support my nic.

# uname -a
xMach Lites.1.1.u3 Lites.1.1.u3
        STD+ext2fs+slice+mach4+DEBUG i386

I just compiled and ran a hello world. Wheeeeeee.

So everyone should follow JStevens' NEtBSD 1.1 directions... I made my way
up as I went along, but it's almost EXACTLY like his. Note that I had some
trouble with a few things (okay, with mknod, but I hax0red the gibson and
made that work).

[ Joseph Mallett            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] [ ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ Proud {Free,Net}BSD User; (Obj)C(++) Programmer ] [ ]

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