No, as far as I know, nobody has gone any further. I am still working on
this, but nothing to write home about.


On Thu, 24 May 2001, Mondragon, Ian wrote:

> Jan/All -
>   I'm planning on spending some time tonight looking into this problem, but
> before I do, I was wondering if anybody may have tracked this thing down any
> further?  Any information would be helpfull.
>   If not, it's off I go.
> - Ian
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Ian Mondragon [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Tuesday, May 22, 2001 1:54 AM
> > Subject:    [xMach-core] Re: Re: task list
> >
> > jan -
> >
> > been there.  doing that.  been putting #ifdef DEBUG statements in
> > numberous
> > files in the kernel/ipc directory and the last place i just tracked this
> > problem
> > to for now (read: i'm going to BED) goes something like this:
> >
> > mach_msg_trap()
> > |
> > --> jump to fast_copyin block
> >     |
> >     --> jump to kernel_send block
> >         |
> >        *--> call to ipc_kobject_server() creates the panic, but
> > continues...
> >         |
> >         --> jump to fast_copyout
> >             |
> >             --> jump to fast_put
> >                 |
> >                 --> jump to slow_put
> >                     |
> >                    *--> mach_msg_trap() again...
> >                             |
> >                         --> jump to fast_copyin
> >                             |
> >                             --> jump to kernel_send
> >                                 |
> >                                *--> puke everywhere in another
> >                                     call to ipc_kobject_server()
> >
> > mind you, this is the results of my first step through the code, and the
> > results are primitive enough to be considered barbaric, if not possibly
> > caveman-esque.  but i'm tired, so i'll continue tomorrow when i get home
> > from work...unless someone manages to fix the proglum before i get the
> > joy to.  otherwise, i'm all over it & hopefully will have patches to
> > submit in the very near future to correct the problem.
> >
> > - ian mondragon
> >
> >
> > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05/22/01 01:31]:
> > > Ok, I suggest this. Install a freeBSD box or whatever you prefer. then
> > > download the xMach source via CVS. The make process should work largely
> > > and result in ELF binaries. (All this is documented with the various
> > > README/docs).
> > > Use grub to boot with those executables. It will eventually die with a
> > > message:
> > >
> > > panic: init died.
> > >
> > > We are not absolutely positive where and why this occurs, so if you are
> > > able to fix this, that would be awesome.
> > >
> >
> > --
> > @end
> >
> > Ian Mondragon  - < copal @ dragonhelix . org >
> >
> > < h t t p : // d r a g o n h e l i x . o r g >
> >
> > <<< F r e e B S D -- O b j e c t i v e - C >>>
> >

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