>From what I can tell so far, it seems like a good idea to stick with a.out
for now, and switch to mach-o, once we port to more than one platform.

from the freebsd faq, I get:
"Also the demands of ISO-C++, notably contstructors and destructors, has
also led to native ELF support in future FreeBSD releases."

Can someone shed light on the issue?

anyway, I am on a personal quest to fix ELF support, as this problem has
kinda turned personal..:) I appreciate any help on this. Also in the
future, we will try to support drivers from different platforms, and that
may or may not require us to support ELF.

So can we agree to officially stay a.out for now and make elf support a
point on our wishlist, and then switch to mach-o in the mid to long-term?


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