I think I actually mentioned that to Chris when he was doing it, but he
had a hard time finding a good public domain picture to use, iirc. :)

[ Joseph Mallett            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] [ http://srcsys.org ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ FreeBSD, NetBSD, & xMach User; (Obj)C(++) Coder ] [ http://xMach.org ]

Version: 3.12
GCS d-- s+:++ a--- C+++ UB++++ P+++ L- E---- W++ N+ o-- K- w++
O M+ V PS+ PE- Y+ PGP++ t++ 5-- X+ R tv- b++ DI+ D---
G e* h! r% z+

On Sun, 27 May 2001, Aries wrote:

> Hi!
> Chris Ellerby has drawn a nice pic about Beastie in an (maybe) F16.
> I think, it has more style marked by felicities, if the plane
> is not an F16, but a MIG, hasn't it?
> bye,
> --
>     _    _
> |. ( \  / )  |.http://vlug.vein.hu/~aries  - not yet :( -   .|
> |.    \/ries |.       The Flame Machine      .|.br%cmds%cult.|

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