On 16 May 2015 at 16:00, U.Mutlu via xmail wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm using xmail for a long time now (maybe 7 yrs), and I'm still
> very satisfied with it. OTOH I must admit I'm using it only for
> a small number of users, and I've used (before xmail)
> only one other mail-system (it was qmail iirc).
> I'm using a self-compiled version of xmail (the crippled version
> in the debian repository I tried about 2 yrs ago was unusable
> due to cfg-files spread around to many OS-system dirs;
> I like it compact under a single app-dir and its subdirs).
> The only thing I don't like much is the usage of TAB as delimiter in the 
> cfg-files.
> What I would like to ask is:
> - What are the shortcomings or missing features other
    users experience with xmail?
> - What about the new developments regarding ssl and
    crypto since Snowden,
>    and their relevance to xmail?
> - What new features should xmail have implemented?


I started using xmail around 2005 and at that time
also had about four remote users.

Main system here changed over time and is currently
NetBSD. When a security vulnerability relevant to my
setup is announced I rebuild the main base system, 
ntpd, xmail and other affected packages. XMail uses
a few third party programs that are from either base
system, NetBSD pkgsrc or local imports. 

I've always been setup so that a delay is introduced
so that email from point and shoot mailers or
mailers that don't retry isn't received but 
unfortunately "hotmail" is currently one of those.


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