Hi everybody

I had similar effects with one of my scripts (I am tagging the emails sent
to the mailing list with [SOMETHING] in the subject).

>From time to time, I receive a message that was sent via the mailing list,
but it arrives without a tag in the subject line.

Unfortunately, I was not able to track it down (and to reproduce it

Kind regards
Lukas Frey

+----------+ Lukas Frey         Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH  Tel +41(55)2143342
| cnlab AG | Tiefenaustr. 2     Project Engineer    Fax +41(55)2143334
+----------+ CH-8640 Rapperswil [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.cnlab.ch

-----Original Message-----
From: Goesta Smekal - EDV Dienstleisungen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: domain message filtering (again)

dear folks,

  after successful development and testing of my attachment filter (posted
earlier in 
this list and available for download from Lukas Freys site 
http://www.web4free.ch/xmail) on my testserver (Slackware Linux, XMail 0.70)
I happily 
installed it on one of my production machines (SuSe 7.0 Linux, XMail 0.69).

  Then something strange happened: We host a mailing list there, say 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] So I set up the file 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' containing the line 

  Sending mail to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' worked fine, filtering out unwanted

attachments. BUT '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' was able to circumvent the filter.
!?!? Is 
XMail case sensitive when matching filter rules ? (IMHO this would be a

  So I set up some more filters, for 'MailList@...' 'MAILlist@.." etc. you
get the point ... 
Short after that a posting to the list (ironically announcing the new
filter) led to 
desaster. XMail delivered the message multiple times and then died. It did
NOT log the 
sent copies to logs/smtp... . The only way to return to normal operation was
'rm -r 
/var/MailRoot/spool/*' and (for safety) remove all but one of the filter
.tab files.

  How ? Why ? Why me ?? ;-)

  any hint welcome

Goesta Smekal - IT Solutions

Rodaunerstr. 49/6/4
AUSTRIA - 1236 Vienna
Tel ++431 971 57 34

Download my PGP public key from:
http://www.keyserver.net/en/ , search for "EDV-Smekal"

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