
I'm fine, thank you :)
The virus that AVG doesn't capture is Js.Exception.Exploit, it's inside
.html files. More info:

I've been problems with NAV too (NAVDX.EXE); each time NAV run, Win2k shows
a 16-bit subsystem warning, it says that navdx is trying to access file
system, you can skip or stop file access.
But there's a way to return a NAVDX error to a WScript.Shell:

Run a Batch file from the shell, and the put the AV command inside that

D:\MailRoot\bin\CMDAV\navdx /M- /B- /DOALLFILES /NOBEEP %1
if errorlevel == 0 goto fin
echo 1 | FIND "0" > NUL

WScript.Shell will return 1 if there's some problem with NAVDX, you can
personalize the batch to return other errorlevels.

Recently I compiled ripmime, it's smaller than ripmime, and it's said that's
more stable, if you want it email me.

Best Regards,

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Edinilson J. Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: martes, 25 de septiembre de 2001 19:41
Para: Camacho, Christian
Asunto: Re: AV Script for XMail (Windows NT/W2k)
Importancia: Alta

Christian, how are you? Great I hope!

Thanks for sending me reformime.exe. This program is better that uudecode
because it permits put the files in a specific dir and we donŽt need to copy
the original message to another dir  (then decode it).
About AVG, which virus it doesnŽt capture?
In the past, we were using Norton Anti-virus but NAV has a big problem: it
doesnŽt return anything when called via shell/command and you donŽt know
exactly if the message has a virus or not.

If I find some good AV in the net, I will notice you. Notify me if you find

Gracias amigo!

ATINET-Afiliado UOL de Atibaia
Rua Francisco R. Santos, 54 sala 3
ATIBAIA/SP Cep: 12940-250
Tel Voz: (0xx11) 4412-0876

----- Original Message -----
From: "Camacho, Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Edinilson J. Santos'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 1:37 AM
Subject: RE: AV Script for XMail (Windows NT/W2k)

Nice work. I'm working on the same as you, so here's other alternative:

Domain.tb file under "Filters" folder:
"d:\winnt\system32\cscript.exe" "d:\MailRoot\filters\filtroav.vbs"
"@@FILE" "@@FROM" "@@RCPT"

Requeriments to run this filter:
Windows Scripting Host
A good AV (I'm looking for AVG's alternatives, it missed some viruses)
Reformime (I'm including CygWin Dll to run ReforMime)

Change the path on the first lines of the code


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Edinilson J. Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2001 16:37
Asunto: AV Script for XMail (Windows NT/W2k)

Attached to this e-mail is a simple AV script that works with XMail for
WeŽare using this script for 2 months and it works relatively well in our
Windows 2000 Server box (serving +- 500 domains and +2000 accounts)

For this script you will need (all free software):
-Windows scripting host 5.1 or better (www.microsoft.com/scripting)
-PowerArchiver Command Line Support Add-On
-Persits AspEmail (http://www.aspemail.com/)
-AVG 6.0 Free Edition (www.grisoft.com)

After install all software above, create a folder called mailroot/avfilter
and save attached files in this folder.
Edit avfilter.js and avfilter.bat and change all paths based on your

In your filters/domain.tab put:

-You will need to increase XMail threads to run this AV script;
-Be prepared with lots of RAM and CPU power because some messages will need

Any suggestion or improvment will be appreciated

ATINET-Afiliado UOL de Atibaia
Rua Francisco R. Santos, 54 sala 3
ATIBAIA/SP Cep: 12940-250
Tel Voz: (0xx11) 4412-0876

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.281 / Virus Database: 149 - Release Date: 18/09/2001

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