Hi all.

Could you please tell me your opinion regarding the following implementation of XMail? 
We would like to set up a free mail service
(something similar to hotmail, yahoo etc.) using XMail. Users will get free 20 MB 
mailbox with SMTP and POP3 access and with an
access through web interface (webmail).

My main problem is with that webmail interface. I want it to have a messages organized 
into a folders (INBOX, OUTBOX, DELETED,
DRAFTS + some custom). INBOX folder must be the same as XMail's 
"domains/domain/user/mailbox/" folder, i.e. messages in this webmail
folder INBOX must be still accessible by the POP3, since other webmail folders not. So 
far this is pretty easy. But. But I want all
webmail folders _TOGETHER_ to have a 20 MB size. For example, if there will be 
messages of total size 7 MB in the mailbox (= INBOX)
and messages of total size 13 MB in the other webmail folders, XMail _MUST_ respond 
with the "Mailbox full" error code to all newly
incoming messages.

After two days of thinking I found one possible solution. INBOX will be physicaly the 
same folder as XMail's
"domains/domain/user/mailbox/" folder and the other webmail folders will be stored 
inside it, i.e.
"domains/domain/user/mailbox/drafts/", "domains/domain/user/mailbox/outbox" etc. After 
some testing I found that this will exactly
do what I want, but I am not sure if this is the best possible solution, nor if it is 
allowed to create directories under

Could you please tell me what do you think, or suggest me some other ways how to do it?

Thank you.

Petr Hruzek

PS: I prefer Win2k solution, but the Linux one is OK too.

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