Hello everybody,

I am a recent convert to Xmail, and have deployed it onto my backup relay.
Everything is working well, and I am keen to install the system on my
production relay. Before I do however, I'd like to discuss my config with
you, to make sure I am doing things right!

Lotus Domino servers on inside network, Mail is exchanged with 2 NT mail
relays in the DMZ, which face the internet. Relays are hardened (ie all MS
services removed, acls tightened, etc.). The requirement is to route all
mail for domain aleagroup.com from the internet into the internal Domino
servers, and take delivery of all internet-bound mail and send it on to the
appropriate location.

Currently, the setup I am using is as follows:

RootDomain     aleagroup.com
postmaster     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
errors-admin   bounce@internal (triggers perl script in mailproc.tab -
mentioned above)
SmartDNSHost localhost (copy of Bind running locally)

smtprelay "domrelay1,domrelay2"

"domrelay1"    ""
"domrelay2"    ""

"internal" (used for a bounce@internal address to trigger a script to log
delivery errors)

This seems to work pretty well - any host can send mail to aleagroup.com,
mentioned in custdomains, but only those in smtprelay.tab can send mail to
other addresses. Any failure email is sent to the user and a log kept in
mailroot\logs as to the failure reason since many of my users aren't the
most techinically literate :)

Based on that, some questions:

1) Is it appropriate to use customains to route inbound mail like this? I
obviously don't want to configure each user on my relays with a forward -
just *@aleagroup.com to get sent inbound.
2) Since domains in custdomains do not count as 'relaying' (ie you can send
to them if you're not in smtprelay.tab), do they bypass other xmail
processes such as filtering?
3) Is there any way that I can add custom actions for particular addresses
at aleagroup.com - e.g. can I now that I route all mail for the domain
inbound, can I make an exception that says 'for [EMAIL PROTECTED] run script
4) I presume that aleagroup.com shouldn't be in domains.tab, since if I put
it in all inbound mail gets a 550 user unknown message. Is this correct?
5) Will xmail run happily using a non previleged account for the service?

Any advice would be gratefully received :)

Cheers and Happy New Year,

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