Please my OS is Suse 7.0

my file :

"RootDomain"    "alert.local"
"POP3Domain"    "alert.local"
"HeloDomain"    "alert.local"
"PostMaster"    "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
"ErrorsAdmin"   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"TempErrorsAdmin"      "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"DefaultSMTPGateways"  "alert.local"
"RemoveSpoolErrors"     "0"
#"NotifyMsgLinesExtra"  "8"
#"NotifySendLogToSender"        "0"
#"NotifyTryPattern"     "1"
"MaxMTAOps"     "16"
"ReceivedHdrType"       "1"
"FetchHdrTags"  "+X-Deliver-To,To,Cc"
#"MaxMessageSize"       "20000"
#"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3"  "0"
#"Pop3SyncErrorAccount" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
#"AllowNullSender"      "0"
#"AllowSmtpVRFY"        "1"
#"AllowSmtpETRN"        "1"
#"SmtpMinDiskSpace"     "100000"
#"SmtpMinVirtMemSpace"  "64000"
#"Pop3MinVirtMemSpace"  "64000"
#"SMTP-RDNSCheck"       "1"
#"CheckMailerDomain"    "1"
#"SmartDNSHost" ","
#"SmtpConfig"   "mail-auth"
#"SmtpConfig-"       "mail-auth"
"DefaultSmtpPerms"      "MRV"

connection in the 25 port is good but :

telnet `hostname` 110
Trying `hostname`
Connected to `hostname`
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
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