Bill schrieb:

> Tell your mail program to send authentication for sending mail with

Then I will be able to send mail from outside of our LAN to XMail.
But I want that you can send me mail directly to the Box were Xmail

>>I want to connect Xmail direct to the net.
>>I want to point the MX entry of my domain
>>direct to my servers IP.
>>So every mail gets delivered directely to my box
>>and also nobody should be able to use Xmail as an
>>open relay of course.
>>Local users should be able to send all their mail
>>through the SMTP.  Non local senders should be able
>>to send mail to Xmail so we can fetch it with POP3.
>>However, the testdomain I installed is running but
>>I cannot send mail to my box, Xmail gives my that
>>How do I enable Xmail to be a 'real' Mailserver?
>>Now I'm getting this error if I send from outside
>>of our LAN:
>>ErrCode   = -41
>>ErrString = Bad server response
>>ErrInfo   = 421 [XMail 1.8 (Win32/Ix86) ESMTP Server] - Server does not like
>>Your IP
>>SMAIL SMTP-Send FF = "" SMTP = "LORELEY" From =
>>An example of the relevant entries in the tab files would
>>be very helpful.


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