Thanks Gerrit -

Your right, more info at the beginning of help...

Yea - XMail::something... Give me a week to make
nice-nice (a littke sloppy inside) and to be sure
the more obvious bugs are gone...

Aloha => Beau.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:xmail-bounce@;]On Behalf Of Gerrit P. Haase
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Beau E. Cox
Subject: [xmail] Re: CPAN via email

Hallo Beau,

>> Please let me know what you think.


> --------------------------------------------------------
> To retrieve this 'manual', send a message to me whose
> subject is blank or contains:
> h[elp]
> --------------------------------------------------------
> To search for CPAN modules, send a message to me whose
> subject is:
> q[uery] [full or partial module name]
> You will shorty receive a response containing modules


> q file-temp

May I use also File::Temp to query?  If so you should mention
it here at the beginning.


> service. I plan to make the source freely available
> in the near future.

There is already an XMail:: namespace on CPAN to load it up
there :-)


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