
Having worked with XMail filters extensively lately I have come across
two things that I would like to put on my wishlist for a future XMail


There are presently no logging whatsoever for filter actions.
For the sake of debugging this would help *alot* if something about
filter actions got into smail-** the way "external"s EXTRN does. And
this in any case, even if the filter had a runtime error/broken path.
Ultimately cool would be if the exitcode found its way in there aswell.

I have spent numerous hours, scratching my head wondering why the hell
filter X fails to work seemingly whatever I try. Is it due to a broken
path, a runtime error or a malformed tab. At current, time consuming
trial n' error is the only way to find out. Getting some info from
the smail logs would help alot here.

The filter tab lookup order.

Currently you can have [EMAIL PROTECTED] , "domain.tab" and ".tab".
Dealing every now and then with subdomains I felt there's a gap in
the lookup order. Say I got ten subdomains handled for domain "baz",
I would then like to be able apply them all to the baz.tab instead of
creating ten identical tabs. What I am proposing is a lookup order
as follows;

2. foo.bar.baz.tab
3. bar.baz.tab
4. baz.tab
5. .tab

my 0.20 SEK

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