I would try XMailStats v1.6 for human readable logs. You can find it at
http://xmail.eye-catcher.com . It goes through the log files and pulls
the good information into an html file or text file. Look at the
documentation for the program for more info.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Satis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]=20
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 12:25 PM
Subject: [xmail] Log files on Linux?


I have searched the newsgroup, manual and forum but I think I am doing
something wrong...

I am trying to have the detailful log files as described by other
people. What I get now is the smtp-200301110000, pop3-200301110000,
lmail-200301110000, smail-200301110000 log files that have something

"value"    "value" etc inside.

In my syslog (/var/log/maillog, messages) I don't have any entries. I
run RH Linux 7.3

Any ideas how I can have human readable logs like Sendmail has? I am
obviously missing something here... (I have read the manual, put the
-Sl, -Ql etc but no success)


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