I didn't mention that the existing email server is Novell's Groupwise.  The
users don't have control over the outgoing smtp server to send email.  I was
thinking of GroupWise using xmail as a smart host, to drop all outgoing
mail, Xmail have the smarts to look at the source email address via a
mailproc perhaps and if it is not one of the priority users, then send the
mail, or if it is from one of the priority users then relay it to another
smtp relay (doesn't have to be xmail).

If It can't be done at the application layer, perhaps it can be done at the
file level.

Davide, if a mailrpoc was to identify an email to be relayed, could it copy
the email file to the input queue of another xmail server and return an
exitcode that effectively blocks or deletes the email on xmail server one.
The second Xmail server reads the in queue and sends it out.

In theory would this work ??
What dir could I drop a properly formatted file into?

Rob  :-)

>You can't route based on the sender, you can only route for destination
>( smtpfwd.tab ). And it's domain based, not user based. You cannot run two
>instances of XMail on the same machine also. You have to setup another
>XMail machine and you have to tell those users to use such machine as SMTP
>server. You'll configure this machine by only having custom domains ( the
>ones that you handle ) that "smtprelay" to you main ( POP3 ) machine. At
>this point you can setup source routing on your firewall.
>- Davide

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