> >
> > After some tests I find my fault.
> >
> > The mailproc.tab-file was empty!!! It should have an 
> "mailbox" in it.
> >
> > BUT:
> >
> > Xmail is fetching mails from our ISP and then nothing!!!
> > The mails are going to the bit-heaven and nothing is shown 
> in the logs!!!
> > No Errors.
> You don't need a mailproc.tab file for standard mail server 
> operations.
> Use the mailproc.tab file *only* if you know what you're doing. In
> particular, a mailproc.tab file w/out a "mailbox" line will 
> make XMail to
> never drop messages inside the local mailbox.
> - Davide

Thanks for the quick answer.

I know this now ;-)

But the mails are not in spool (frozen, or ...), and
there is nothing to find in smail- and smtp-log!!

As a feature request: There should be an error in the logs.


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