
i did try the MAIL_ROOT="\\?\c:\MailRoot"  "trick" and it works.

I can create a domain com4.com.br, accounts for that domain and send and
receive mail to/from that domain.

I don't have the tool to recompile the changes you suggested but will be
happy to try your recompiled version if you give me the link.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Davide Libenzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 3. april 2003 03:05
Subject: [xmail] Re: help (fwd)

> On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Shawn Anderson wrote:
> > MAIL_ROOT="\\?\c:\MailRoot"
> Could someone please try the above trick plus using this :
> char           *SysGetTmpFile(char *pszFileName)
> {
>     char            szTmpPath[SYS_MAX_PATH] = "";
>     GetTempPath(sizeof(szTmpPath) - 1, szTmpPath);
>     static unsigned int uFileSeqNr = 0;
>     SYS_LONGLONG    llFileID = (((SYS_LONGLONG) GetCurrentThreadId()) <<
32) | (SYS_LONGLONG) ++uFileSeqNr;
>     SysSNPrintf(pszFileName, SYS_MAX_PATH - 1, "\\\\?\\%smsrv%I64x.tmp",
>                 szTmpPath, llFileID);
>     return (pszFileName);
> }
> inside SysDepWin.cpp
> - Davide
> -
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