On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, John Kielkopf wrote:

> In what situation exactly does this problem of " the remote control
> interface returns aliases for all domains" occur?  Can you give an example?
> I can adapt Xmail Administrator to handle both methods, but switching
> exclusively from the method still shown in the Xmail docs would surely cause
> headaches for those that are doing it the "old" way, just as is happening is
> the change between XPAI and Xmail Administrator.
> Davide, what way do you suggest?
> "aliaslist"    "domain.com"    "*"   "someuser"
> OR
> "aliaslist"    "*"    "*"   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

They do different things. To be sure to grab all aliases for a real
account you should post both.

- Davide

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