
I'm using XMAil 1.17 on Linux RH9.

In file [/var/MailRoot/filters.in.tab] I have this
"*"     "*"     ""     ""     "XM_AV_Filter.tab"
"*"     "*"     ""     ""     "XM_Content_Filter.tab"

In directory [/var/MailRoot/filters/] I have two files :

In file [/var/MailRoot/filters/XM_AV_Filter.tab], I have this line
"/var/MailRoot/filters/XM_AV_Filter/XM_AV_Filter.sh"    "@@FILE"        "@@FROM"       

In [/var/MailRoot/filters/XM_Content_Filter.tab] I have this line
"/var/MailRoot/filters/XM_Content_Filter/XM_Content_Filter.sh"  "@@FILE"        
"@@FROM"        "@@RCPT"

When a virus is found, bash script XM_AV_Filter.sh issues an exit 6 and the mail
is rejected. Fine.

When a bad content (ie "Viagra Online" spam) is found, bash script
XM_Content_Filter.sh issues an exit 6 and the mail is NOT rejected :-(

If I invert lines in file [/var/MailRoot/filters.in.tab] to have this :
"*"     "*"     ""     ""     "XM_Content_Filter.tab"
"*"     "*"     ""     ""     "XM_AV_Filter.tab"

When a bad content (ie "Viagra Online" spam) is found, bash script
XM_Content_Filter.sh issues an exit 6 and the mail is rejected. Good.

When a virus is found, bash script XM_AV_Filter.sh issues an exit 6
but the mail is NOT rejected :-(

6 (as well as 4 or 5) returned by one of the scripts is taken into
account by Xmail only if it's first in filters.in.tab

I tried everything I could think of, even with very simple scripts that just
issue an exit command.

Any idea about this problem ?



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