Hello Bill,

Monday, August 25, 2003 you wrote:
BH> F-Prot doesn't need to have the attachments decoded to detect a virus.

    I agree but with some reservation.
    F-prot actually breaks the message into the mime segments and
    scans them.  So there is little need for a separate mime process
    if using f-prot.

    However, f-prot fails to report certain types of files and
    encoding - at least for me - and apparently because the virus in
    that kind of file is not actually threatening. This was a huge
    problem on the recent blaster worm outbreak.

    Now f-prot desktop did protect users from the worm if the file
    were attempted to be opened by an application.  But the worm
    slipped through e-mail for a couple of days.

    You can test a good many types of encoding and file types using
    the tool at  http://www.declude.com/tools/mailsend.html - At least
    some of these will not trigger f-prot but I've forgotten the
    Even with this reservation f-prot is definitely an excellent tool
    for the money.

    The solution is not as simple as just parsing the mime segments
    but also in decoding the mime segments.

    And that also does not take in account the significant number of
    virus vulnerabilities that should be checked as well.

Terry Fritts
Smart Business Solutions, Inc.

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