Hi all,

is there anyone who can help me with xmail configuration? I need to set up
xmail for following scenario:

I have two domains domain1.com and domain2.com.
I have one server with two IP addresses, MX record for domain1 points to IP1
and MX for domain2 points to IP2.
XMail should manage mailboxes for domain1 only and forward emails for
domain2 to another computer with mail server on it (not xmail).
I was able to set up this behaviour by adding domain1 into the domains.tab
file and by adding record for domain2 into the smtpfwd.tab file.
Everything was perfect and working but then I tried to deny relaying.
So I modified the smtprelay.tab file to disable all ips except loopback ip,
IP1, IP2 and my local subnet.
Now emails from outside are still delivered to domain1 but emails for
domain2 are rejected.

What else should I do to be able to accept emails for domain2 too (I must
redirect/forward all emails for domain2 to the second computer). I was
unable to find solution in readme file. Can anyone help me?

And of course: my xmail version is 1.16 (Win32).

Thanks for any help.
Best regards
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