what version courier imap are u using? i had problem with version 2.x, no
with 1.x

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthias F. Brandstetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: [xmail] smartpost and courier-imap not working :(

> Hi all,
> I am new to this list, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
> installed xmail for the first time, and I must say I like it really much
> (very easy to setup).
> And because I want a webinterface for my virtual domains, I installed
> smartpost as well. I am able to create new v. domains and accounts (I can
> send and receive emails through xmail's smtpd/pop3), but I have problems
> to get the users webmail interface to work.
> I followed the install instructions, installed courier and copied the
> sample configs from the smartpost distribution. But when I want to login
> via webinterface now, I only get this error:
>   failed connecting imap server
> and this error (with debug output) from courier:
>   Oct  7 16:54:26 mx2 imapd: LOGIN: DEBUG: ip=[::ffff:],
> command=LOGIN
>   Oct  7 16:54:26 mx2 imapd: LOGIN: DEBUG: ip=[::ffff:],
>   Oct  7 16:54:26 mx2 imapd: LOGIN: DEBUG: ip=[::ffff:],
> password=xxx
>   Oct  7 16:54:31 mx2 imapd: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[::ffff:]
>   Oct  7 16:54:31 mx2 imapd: LOGIN: DEBUG: ip=[::ffff:],
> command=LOGOUT
>   Oct  7 16:54:31 mx2 imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:]
> I know I use the right settings, I double-checked it in phpmyadmin and
> cmdline. And, as said, I can fetch via pop3 v/o errors.
> Does anyone has an idea what is wrong here?
> Greetings and TIA, Matthias
> -- 
> Homer: We always have one good kid and one lousy kid.  Why can't both
> our kids be good?
> Marge: We have three kids, Homer.
>    Separate Vacations
> -
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