At 13:02 10/20/2003, webmaster wrote:
>It appears that if my forwarders are not correct or my isp goes down. I
>cannot send mail internally.
>Task 'email - Sending' reported error (0x8004210B) : 'The operation
>timed out waiting for a response from the sending (SMTP) server. If you
>continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or
>Internet service provider (ISP).'
>I get the above message generated by outlook xp or the following error
>message generated by outlook 2k and outlook 97
>Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
>       Subject:  RE: Please reply
>       Sent:     10/20/2003 11:43 AM
>The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
>       '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' on 10/20/2003 11:44 AM
>             No transport provider was available for delivery to this
>Whats the Deal with this?

Some choices:

1) Configure an internal DNS server that resolves IPs for your domain - so 
that clients can resolve the IP of the mail server even if your ISP is 
down. Don't forget to change the client configuration to point to those DNS 

2) Add an entry to the HOSTS file (C:\WINNT\System32\Drivers\Etc) for your 
mail server, so the address will always be resolved locally (again, must be 
done on each machine).

3) Configure Outlook to point to the IP address of the server rather than 
the DNS name (strongly not recommended).

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