Hi All,

I have posted an update to my "Beginner's Guide" at:


Sections I and II have only minor housekeeping changes but I've split 
Section III into 2 sections. Section III is now devoted to examples of 
common administrative commands and Section IV focuses on filters.

Section IV turned out to be a bigger project that I planned. I added a 
section on the XM_Fprot_Filter Anti-virus filter and updated Lindeman's 
filter section to include instructions for his newly released Version 
1.9. Davide contributed some updated scripts for the Ecartis Mail List 
section which improved security. Please note that the scripts posted on 
my site are specific to this new configuration and you cannot use older 
files with the same name.

The section to connect the XMail to the Mailman List Manager is new 
also. I ran into some problems setting this up on my server so I called 
for reinforcements. Martijn Pieters wrote a python script to provide a 
more robust interface between XMail and Mailman as well as a python 
script similar to lisset.pl which creates the command alias entries for 
you. I am confident that these programs will work without any problems, 
however you need to know that they have had limited testing on only a 
couple servers. I recommend you do your own testing before using them on 
production boxes.

Given that the Guide now uses scripts that are unique and that I will 
probably end up maintaining, I need to begin using some sort of version 
manager. This is new territory for me so I welcome any suggestions from 
the list.


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