OK I have found my hole. In the aliases.tab I have one catchall address
that forwards all mail for that domain to another account (in the same
domain), removing this line solves all the open relay problems. Has
anyone got any idea how I can have a catch all without the spam?


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mircea Ciocan
Sent: 16 January 2004 16:13
Subject: [xmail] Re: Open Relay

Ben Ede wrote:

>I've just set up xmail on a Redhat7.2 server. I've run a open relay
>check on it and unfortunately it has come back as saying there are
>vulnerabilities. I have used the 'out of the box' config. Can anyone
>point me in the right direction to sort out these probs?
    Hi Ben,

    Go to /var/MailRoot and edit the file smtprelay.tab, delete
everything and put only this line:

[TAB] and [CR] must be the real characters from keyboard.

This will allow relay only from your machine ( localhost).
The other users will have to use authentication ( their full e-mail and
the password).
The mails for the domains you handle will arrive undisturbed.


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