Sorry about that, I simply provide the command, you do have to format
the data correctly (i.e. you would have to type <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
the data box), the server will simply reply the same way it would if a
MUA or MTA sent the same text.  When I find time to start coding again,
I'll try to make it even more friendly, maybe filling in suggested data,
but that can also be annoying.  Have to think about it.

Chuck Frolick

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 11:53 AM
Subject: [xmail] Re: Error

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Nick Marino wrote:

>     Trying to test my server using CHECK MTA by Chuck Frolick to test 
> send a message when I get to the Mail From:  I get this error.
> 451 Requested action aborted: (-31) local error in processing - Please

> open to get more 
> information about this error to get more information about this error
> ..
> Is this bug or what?

No, you are trying to do either this:


or this:

RCPT TO: ...

when <> are requested by the RFC.

- Davide

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